
Dec 29, 20203 min

The Principle Principle

Well, as I mentioned in a previous blog, I did attend the @TheMultifamilyMindset bootcamp in Tempe last week and what can I say but AWESOME! was an awesome learning experience and an awesome opportunity. The instructor was @Tyler_Deveraux from Maui, and the information he provided to the participants over 3 days was not just informative and powerful, but for me, the ideas and principles shared in using the knowledge needed to acquire these type of apartment complexes were rooted and based on many of the principles in Biblical scripture. So whether you are interested in #multifamily investing on this level or not - the methods and thinking that got @TylerDeveraux where he is today, (owning 150,000,000 in multifamily real estate), are foundational bible principles 'from the rudda to the tudda'. In a nutshell, achieving or not achieving - succeeding or failing in life is truly about a mindset. A belief system. If you see failures as a reason to give up and quit and not as learning experiences to teach you what to do or not to do, or what is working and what isn’t, then striving for any goals outside your comfort zone may not be a reality for you. And I don’t mean to discount, in any way, the real systemic problems that are foundational in this country or the curve balls that can come at us from out the blue or any number of situations that could be impact our lives negatively in some way- the key to overcoming is how we react to these situations and what you believe about who you are and whose you are and just what you believe and just what you really want- in other words, your purpose. How you perceive "failures" or setbacks is all a mindset. There’s a saying in the Christian community that goes: “a saint is just a sinner who falls down and gets up.” It’s about a faith walk. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). There were so many powerful quotes used to illustrate and bring this point home, and I just couldn’t help but see God’s principles in most of them. I believe I even remember Tyler saying that when he was first teaching the course he wasn't aware that he was actually teaching spiritual principles whether he realized it or not. That’s one thing about God's principles though-they work whether YOU BELIEVE them or not. One of my favorite quotes he used was from Nelson Mandela "It always seems impossible until it's done." And if you know anything about Nelson Mandela's story its enough to make anyone believe in achieving the impossible! That being said I signed up for the mentorship program! My purpose is to leave a legacy for my children and my family with Multifamily real estate. I already had the benefit of learning about buying residential multifamily units from another brilliant young man, @JullienGordon, but this is a vehicle where the returns are even greater but the risk is lower. But there's a system to buying these high dollar investments and you need someone who's done it to show you how and this mentorship program does that and more. I'll talk about some of the incredible benefits of owning these types of properties later on but this is the vehicle I choose to set my family on the road to financial freedom and never having to work a job again. Freedom- a legacy, courtesy of their mama and my belief that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"(Philippians 4:13). Its these principles that my company, Six33Props,( Matt 6:33)encapsulates and its the belief system that drives my purpose! And with the training and support team's help to develop a strategy in acquiring that first deal its time to get the ball rolling and take action! They say its all about relationships. So I'm starting to build mine. Yes, it really is about the right relationships. Amen. Until next time...
