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Mission Impossible...

I had a Zoom meeting today with the managing members of the LLC and we were discussing what we all saw as our "mission statement". We agreed that our mission as a real estate investment company is to provide affordable, beautiful homes in good neighborhoods giving more middle class working families a pathway to homeownership and building wealth. A hardship for many that has only been exacerbated by the CoVid crisis. With millions of jobs lost and black and brown communities disproportionately impacted- coupled with the impending end of stimulus funds and mortgage forbearance payments coming due, a housing crisis is imminent. I thought, a mission statement. What would be America's mission statement in 2020? I believe that the almighty designed all His creations to have a spiritual "mission statement". A mission that ultimately glorifies Him. He tells us in His word that His first commandment is to "Love the lord thy God with all your heart and soul... and the second is like thy neighbor as thyself."(Matt 22:37-39 ) It's our higher purpose, the good of not just ourselves but our neighbors. But that mission is a choice. The tenor in this country tells you everything you need to know about the path were going down and the mission should be clear. And as a commentator said when asked if the RNC speeches coming from the rose garden were having an impact in changing peoples choices come November, she said what I think is obvious: 'If I had been living on another planet for the last 4 years maybe, but 3 nights of revisionist history and more of the same lies coming out this administration like ticks on a dog, is an insult to our intelligence'. (I added the ticks on a dog part) To look into the camera and tell you you don't really see what you see-you don't really hear what you hear and yes, that rotten meat we're feeding you is really apple pie, is a Jedi trick that works on the weak minded! I, for one, want to throw up in my throat. If I may, taking a page out of a Hollywood playbook, I think, America, our mission should we choose to accept it, is to face our fate; take a hard look in the mirror and decide if what we see happening in this country is good and what we want is more: more vitriol, more divisiveness, more anger, more protests, more killing, more lies; more lawlessness, more arrests - and that's in the White House. Because as sure as God is God, if we don't cut this cancer off at the head and truly pursue God's righteousness for ALL people, like our lives depend on it -because trust and believe, it does -by first acknowledging what our God given senses are telling us; what our eyes clearly see-, and what our ears clearly hear, and our gut is telling us - this country will be destroyed- not from some dreaded foreign enemy- but from within. We have to say as #LebronJames tweeted “We Demand Change. Sick of it”! Enough is enough. So... our mission, if we choose to accept it, is to pack a lunch, a foldable chair, some water, a blanket and maybe some good reading material and GO to the polls and cast our votes- come hell or high water. Good luck, America.

This message will self destruct in 67 days. Until next time...

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