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The More Things Change...

I'm back after taking time off to attend my uncle's funeral and a few things have changed. First, my credit score went from 714 to 719 on Experian. It was at 721 but I applied for 3 new credit cards, trying to take advantage of the score increase, so that added 2 more hard inquiries to my file that caused the score to dip a little. I applied for an American Express Blue Card, the Discover IT card, and the Capital One Savor card. AMEX denied me, stating my primary card credit limits were too low, Savor denied me because they have a six month time frame for opening new accounts and it had only been 4 months ( they only did a soft pull) and I was approved for the Discover IT card for a credit line of $7,000. Also, the public record showing my bankruptcy was deleted from my Experian report (but still showing on Equifax and Transunion). So, overall I am very pleased with how the investment of the tradeline and credit sweep impacted my credit so far. I had every intention of adding another tradeline or two with #wholesaletradelines but to my surprise when I went on the website there is a message stating that they have closed shop and the owner has decided to go into another business. Hmmm...not sure what that's about and why the sudden reversal but I'll keep you posted if I find out anything else. That being said, my advice to anyone who may have been in the same credit predicament I was in ...stay focused and learn as much as you can about the game of credit. Educate yourself and your children now about the importance of getting and maintaining excellent credit. They say that an excellent credit score is equivalent to $100,000 in your pocket. That being said...

Six33 Props has just signed a contract to purchase a home in New Jersey that is in a prime location. My strategy is to tear down this home and put a new home on the lot and either rent it out or use it as an AirBnB. God be my helper and I'm on to the next...

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